Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! And top o' the mornin' to ye.

Our excursion into the woods this morning was a little disappointing. The weather was like yesterday - bright sunshine and mild temps - and when we started off it seemed as though we could go anywhere on top of the snow.

That was
ok in the open where the snow was wind-packed underneath. Even though the sun hits more than in the woods, so the rain also hits in the open and when everything freezes up again at night, there's more water content and density, so there's a deeper crust. In the woods, the ground is sheltered from the snow and rain by the trees and wouldn't hold us. We were able to follow a well-packed snowshoe trail where daughter-in-law, Marie, had been, so we continued on that and in what open spots there were, but we didn't stay out as long as yesterday.

In the top picture you can see where some of the springs on the hillside are open and animal tracks lead to those spots. Those are turkey tracks in the next picture. The
turkey flock seems to be thriving, although we haven't seen many of them since fall. We know they are out and about, though, and right now they are having an easier time of it being able to walk on the crust.

On the right is one of the holes made when I broke through. Fortunately, only one leg went in each time so I was able to get leverage to pull myself out. I usually crawl away from those holes a bit before I get on my feet again to keep from getting mired with both feet in a cave in. Quite often there are branches or bushes under the snow and they can really tangle your feet and make it difficult to get out. Each time I went in, my foot never reached solid ground, so the snow is still very deep in the woods. Fred went in a few times, too, and we were both glad to cut our trip a bit short.

Back home, at the end of our house, there are daffodils poking out of the ground! They are sheltered by a three-foot bank of snow next to the path, and have a southeast exposure, so they are always early, but I had no idea they would be out already. Yesterday I brought in some pussywillows to force. There were a few showing at the very top of one of our trees, but the branches I brought in hadn't budded yet. This morning, there are a few showing, so in about a week I should have lots of the furry harbingers of spring.

Fred commented this morning that he hadn't had to use the snowblower for quite a spell and perhaps its work is done for this year - but we both know that is probably a pipe dream. We can still get some heavy snowfalls even in April, so while the Deere is resting now, it's not over 'til it's over.

We hope everyone has a wonderful St. Patrick's Day, and perhaps you'll continue to celebrate on Friday - the first day of Spring!!! Not that it ever means much as far as the actual weather goes here in the north country, but it's at least a reminder that winter is winding down and there are warmer days ahead. We sure can't complain about the weather here the last few days, and I'm sure there's lots of melting going on even if we can't see it. Snow depth at my stake is 2 1/2 ft. this morning; on top of Mt. Mansfield there are 79 inches.

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