Sunday, December 14, 2008

We just came in from a walk a few minutes ago. It was really very nice walking - we had to watch our step because there is ice on the road, but the Town of Cabot has sanded very well so it's really not too bad.

We took a few pictures along the way, of course. There is still some ice on our trees, but nothing too serious. I think the temperature changed quickly enough here so there was more snow than rain/freezing rain. Things are supposed to warm up tonight and tomorrow and be fairly seasonal for the remainder of the week - except for some rain somewhere in there. It will likely be snow here at Joe's Pond, though.

I had a note and some pictures from Liz Randall today. The first four pictures were taken by Matt Randall who goes to Lyndon State College. Lauren is on break from college in Keene, and Jason lives and works in Concord, NH. The Randalls have a home near us on W. Shore Rd. Here's what Liz wrote:

Hi Jane and Fred,
We went to get Lauren in Keene yesterday. These pictures were taken from the car after we left I-91 Exit 3 in Vermont heading toward Keene, NH Route 9 East...What a beautiful wight, but a lot of work for the work crews. The college and Town of Keene all had power and didn't look to have much problem with the ice - I guess higher elevations where hit hard...Jason said he didn't loose power but the shelters where full in Concord, NH with those who lost power. Unbelieveable! We are back on Long Island we had 5 inches of rain from the storm, but the ice is the worst...Heading up to Cabot later this week...Stay Warm! Liz

Liz Randall's photos

Here are some of the pictures we took along W. Shore Rd. on our walk this afternoon. As you can see, we have plenty of snow. There's some ice, too, but we saw tracks where someone had been on cross country skis along W. Shore Rd., and lots of tracks of various animals on the snowbanks, including deer and bunnies. We only walked as far as Geer's and Temple's because it was getting darker by the minute and we didn't have our little flashlights with us, so we cut the walk a bit short and headed home. Just as well, I was hot and tired by the time we made it up our drive. Now I'm just happy to sit here at my computer. I wanted to post to the blog before we have supper, though, because I expect I'll have a nap during the news. Fresh air (and exercise) does that to me . . . here are the pictures:
A Walk on the West Side

10:30 p.m. - The maple bed we listed here earlier has found a home!

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