Saturday, December 27, 2008

We aren't sure all the problems with the new printer and my scanner are resolved, but at least now both will work, but it only if approached in a roundabout way. Too complicated to explain, and I have the combination written on a sticky note because I would probably not remember everything in proper sequence. Meanwhile, there are a few comments and greetings from friendly people in faraway places I want to share, even though it's later than usual to be blogging tonight.

I know lots of local folks know Lori (Thorgalsen) Schrader. Lori sent this message and photo:
Thanks again for keeping me up-to-date with the news in the Danville area. I thought you might enjoy a Florida photo of my kids and the dog. Left to right are Sarah (11), Beckenbauer (almost 2) and Kristin (17 in two weeks). I really have a great deal of appreciation for what you are all going through weather-wise! After all, I grew up in Danville! I spoke with my dad yesterday, and I swear he'll freeze (what's left of) his butt right off yet! I can't send you much of our weather, but I have to say that turning on the air conditioning on Christmas is a real bummer. I would like a little of the cooler stuff, but don't think it is in our future for a while . . . We are due for some cooler stuff this coming week and we always look forward to that for a nice change. Dad says the snow is up to the windows and still coming! I feel bad for him, because he is pretty much homebound and winter can be a very difficult time. Fortunately he has my mom and siblings as well as several wonderful neighbors who check up on him regularly. We love the slide shows and the news from town. Thanks for all you do!
Lori (Thorgalsen) Schrader
Port St. Lucie, Florida

This came today . . .
Hi Jane,
Thank you so much for keeping us all up to date on life at Joe's Pond! Here's hoping 2009 thaws out a bit, and that you have a good winter, early spring and wonderful summer!
Tucson is beautiful today. It snowed on the mountains all night last night, and they are white all the way to the desert floor. Today the sky is crystal blue. It's only in the 40s, but tomorrow we will be back up into the 60s and by the end of the week back into the low 70s. Nearly perfect!
All the best,
Barbara and Irv Pollack (W. Shore Rd.)

It's nice to know what kind of weather other parts of the country are having and what our friends are up to when they are away from Joe's Pond. Thanks to Lori Schrader and Barbara and Irv Pollack for sending off messages to us.

Here's a bit of news from Cabot. Will Walters contacted me today to let me know that our lone restaurant in Cabot, "Goldie's Gathering" will close on New Year's Eve. Rolf and Delores Muench own the restaurant and have a home just outside the village. There will be a story about the closing in the next issue of the Courier, and we may know more later. There will be a New Year's buffet on Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. and then the doors of "Goldie's" will close permanently. The property is for sale, as is their home. Will said they plan on returning to Annapolis. We're sad they are closing. It was nice to have a restaurant in town, and Rolf and Delores will be missed. They have been very active in the community and have lots of friends in Cabot.

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Spring Weather/Good News

 Thank goodness we have a rainy day today! Yesterday was so nice I was outside probably more than my winter-weary body needed, so today I...