Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Day After Christmas.
We went to St. Johnsbury today and things were fairly busy. Lots of bargains, I guess.

My computer has been off limits for me while Fred has been trying to resolve some issues with Hewlett Packard regarding our new printer. Too long and agonizing a story to relate, but it's sort of like trying to find the one bulb that is bad in a string of 150 Christmas lights.
In the process of trying to solve the problems, my scanner was knocked out, and that was really upsetting. But tonight Fred finally got someone at tech support who had a clue, and with that and additional research on the internet, Fred now has my scanner up and running. But the printer isn't.

Talk about frustrations - there's an article in this week's Hardwick Gazette about the proposed installation of a cell tower on the Sousa farm silo on Cabot Plain. The Zoning Board in theTown of Cabot issued a permit for Unicel to move ahead with the project, but abutting neighbors, Andy Leinoff and his wife, Wendy Jones, appealed the decision. There is an on-going legal battle with no sign of resolution. According to the town attorney, Charles Merriman, there is little probability that there will be a resolution any time soon. He indicated it will likely be a case of "last man standing," in which case I guess Unicel would win out unless they find another, less contentious site. According to maps I saw this summer, the best coverage for this area would be the silo installation, so they may hang tough.


Holiday Greetings!

We have obtained an exclusive preview for our subscribers of the new fire/rescue truck that was delivered to Cabot on Saturday.

To see pictures and read information on the truck, please use the link below. On this site you can also link to the builder to obtain more detailed information.

Sincerely, Will Walters, Admistrator


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