Friday, October 17, 2008

Like everyone else, I get "forwards" all the time, most of which I don't take time to open. Once in a while I do open one, and sometimes the information seems worthwhile. I have learned that a lot of the time those that are warnings or have some other serious message that must be sent to 100 of our closest friends are frauds. If I have time and if I think there's a chance the message could be really important, I go to,, or one of the other sources I've found that debunk such messages, to find out more about them before I pass them on here.

One such "forward" came to the jpwebmaster e-mail address tonight. Turns out there is some valid information in it, and some that is pure fiction. I won't bother with what was sent to me, but I'm including a link to the information about it on Take a look - the first two items address the issue of the benefit/danger of drinking warm or cold beverages after a meal:

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