Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I haven't heard from anyone that they lost any plantings from frost last night. The thermometer here at our house was showing about 31 degrees early this morning. I haven't seen any evidence of frost, and expect everything was safe. Tonight is going to be cold again, but I haven't heard any frost warnings - yet. We'll see what this evening's forecast is.

There has been a brisk wind all day and the fuzz is coming off the trees reminding me of some of those last snow squalls we had a few weeks ago. It's nice to watch from my window as I work on the computer -
there is a swirl of fuzz drifting through the back yard, rising and falling with the breeze currents. I imagine people with allergies are uncomfortable with all the pollen right now, though.

I have been working on more of the Cabot Historical Society albums, making lists of photos and clippings so people may be able to find what they're looking for either in the albums or on the computer. I have scanned, indexed and stored almost 700 photographs and countless newspaper clippings to date. I am finished with most of the photos and albums that have been donated, but there are large boxes of old newspapers still to be done. My goal is to return as much as possible to the Historical Society rooms this spring. I'll still have plenty of work to do, but it will be good to have the albums in their permanent home.

We worked last week with Bill and Diane Rossi to put their New Zealand vacation photos on a DVD, and I'm inspired to put some of the Cabot collection of photos onto a DVD, too. Fred is just finishing up his second php course (something to do with web site construction) so I'll try to get him in on this project. We put some family photos on a DVD a few years ago, and it was great fun - a combination of old 35mm slides, b&w and color photos in varying condition - and gave each of the kids a copy. Since then I've come upon dozens more old photos that should be scanned and preserved for the family just as I've done for the Historical Society. We'll see.

In the meantime, right now I need to get back to work making an index of newspaper scans from the 1880's. I lose lots of time by getting absorbed in reading them, though.

Today is oldest son, Bill's birthday. We're hoping he'll be able to come for dinner with us tonight. He's in the process of getting his Waterford home in shape to move back to after spending two years living at camp while in divorce proceedings. His life is coming together nicely now, and we're happy for him on that score, but we're going to miss having him as our neighbor.

So I'll work a little more here on the computer and then go make a birthday cake.

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