Thursday, May 15, 2008

As predicted - a rainy day. Much needed.
A day of rain is just what we need to perk things up a bit. Yesterday was such a beautiful day we certainly can't complain about having some rain now. The soil in my flower beds is very dry, and even though there are still spots on our lawn and in the woods that are soggy, generally things are very dry.

I had a note from Jeff Downs at Joe's Pond Country Store this morning:

Had a report from a customer yesterday that two young ladies were at the beach, in bikinis, and that they actually went swimming. These were young adults, not teens.

I guess summer has arrived at Joe's Pond ? Jeff

I'm not surprised someone went into the water. I would venture a guess that they didn't stay in long - it must have been really COLD. The ice has only been gone a matter of days, and we haven't had any really hot weather to warm the water. Wish we had a picture for you . . . but Jeff is right, must be summer has begun - early.

We celebrated the 90th birthday of our friend, Louise, last evening. Louise bought a computer a few months ago and Fred has been her teacher, working with her a little every week so that now she's become quite comfortable with it and s
ends e-mails, Googles for information, reads on-line newsletters, and checks in on what's going on here on the blog. We're very proud of what she's accomplished. We went to a new place for dinner, Baliwick's, under the Thayer Hotel in Littleton. Another friend, Elizabeth, went with us, and we enjoyed a very nice meal - a very pleasant place with attentive and courteous waitstaff and excellent food. Louise said she couldn't remember having a nicer birthday celebration. We thought that was very nice of her, having had 89 to choose from. We stopped at McDonald's before heading home so Louise could get her favorite apple pie. Above: That's us - me, Elizabeth and Louise. Happy Birthday, Louise!

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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