Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sunny and cold - but we notice there's more warmth in the sun, warming the earth, in spite of the cold air wafting around us. This time of the year you can almost feel the earth tipping towards the sun, hungry for its rays.

Did you get to see the lunar eclipse last night? I did, and tried to get a picture, but it was so cold I couldn't hold the camera steady enough with so much zoom - should have had my tripod out, but too much bother - so what I got was a rather large mass of orange/red against a completely black background. Diane Rossi got a picture of the moon as it was coming up over West Danville. Here's what she says: Thanks for the picture, Diane.

The sky was clear, and the eclipse was great! Did you see it? I got a picture of the full moon coming up before it got's so nice of it to be there just in time for dinner. Much farther east than in the summer.

Thanks for the picture, Diane.

Diane is off to the town offices in Cabot today to sort and mail the new Annual Town Reports. That means Town Meeting Day is coming right up - March 4th this year - so we should be prepared for some real "weather." It is almost always either bitterly cold or we're deep in snow on Town Meeting Day. Sounds good to me, and I know Diane is thrilled to have the town report finally finished.

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