Friday, February 29, 2008

Good Morning, and Happy Leap Year Day!

Isn't this the day when all the single guys are fair game for any woman who can drag 'em off to the preacher? At very least, it's a day when a woman can propose marriage to a man without feeling embarrassed (I guess). Tradition was that if a woman intended to propose to a man she should wear a red petticoat . . . might be hard to find one of those now. In some countries it's considered bad luck to marry on the 29th. Legalities can be a nightmare, too. Then there are the "leaplings" who are born on February 29 - they celebrate their real birth date once every four years and in common years, I guess they get to choose which day they want to celebrate - the 28th of February, or March 1.

Diane Rossi is always up early. She sent me these photos today - here's what she wrote:

Took these this am about 6:45, just after the sun came up. It's already warming up! It was -27....Doesn't the pond look like the tundra, with all those contours? Anyway, I think we'll try skiing today, since it's supposed to get into the teens....we'll just dawdle over breakfast at the Miss Lyndonville Diner.

Diane is right - the wind has whipped the snow just like it does the water in the summer. The good news (?) is, we're due more snow tonight and into tomorrow. What a great winter!

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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