Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We're getting some of our snow depth built up again. Yesterday was a snowy day, but only a few inches fell. Today has been bright and clear - very nice, like spring, Fred declared when he came in from snowblowing the little snow we had and clearing the walkway.

We have some new stuff on the home page you may want to see. There's a slide show of the big fire in Littleton, NH last week - click on Saranac St Fire on the menu at the left of the page. Also, there are new business cards posted. Also, under "Links" and then "Attractions" you'll find a link called "Tree Climbing." We thought that was kind of an interesting site.

I had a nice note from Don and Diane Sherwood yesterday, and they sent some photos taken when they were here to ski just after Christmas. You'll notice the lovely Christmas tree - it is probably the only "hot" Christmas tree you've seen. It seems Diane was walking along the rail trail that runs near their house and noticed the tree outside Pam and Joe Hebert's house. Realizing the Heberts were not at home, Diane rushed back and told Don to go and get it. I think Don protested a bit, but finally gave in and got the tree. He and Diane put it on their porch, decorated it with lots of lights, and for about a week, they and especially the neighbors across the pond from them, Bill and Diane Rossi, Tom and John, the Craigs, Bill Dimick, etc., all enjoyed the display. Here's what Don has to say about it now:

Here are some pictures of the Hebert Recycled Christmas Tree all dressed in lights on our deck. We really enjoyed it as did Diane and Bill Rossi across the pond! The trees are opposite our barn on Old Homestead Road and the stream is along the railbed.
The curved sheet of ice and snow eventually slid off with a huge crash! Now the roof is free of snow....I hope. Metal roofs are the best....the steeper the better!
We're driving to Venice, Florida the end of this month. We'll send some pictures of some warm beach weather if we can .
See you in March!

That sunset photo is from Don, too. It would be the view from their cottage. Thanks, Don, for all the great photos. I think we should commend you and Diane for giving that little tree an extended life, and sharing with your winter neighbors here at the pond.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...