Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good Morning - sure feels like fall to me!

We walked this morning and the air was crisp and clear. There is a definite "cool down" going on this week. Last night was really quite
chilly, and this evening I expect we'll have a small fire in the wood stove. Short summer or not, it's been a pretty nice one, overall. Folks along West Shore Road are getting things done and I'm sure others on the pond are, too. It's always a contest in the summer whether to kick back and enjoy or go for the odd jobs that always need to be accomplished "before winter sets in."

There was activity at the Randy Rouleau site that has remained quiet and unfinished for several weeks; Phil Rogers was busy in his garage, probably on some project that needs doing before snow flies; there were carpenters at the Decker cottage; and work is progressing nicely on the Hamilton's new garage.

We got only a couple of pictures - I needed to get home to eat breakfast. Somehow I always get a better workout when I go before breakfast - I hate being hungry so I walk faster and talk less! The pond was a beautiful blue and the sky nearly clear - we always enjoy seeing Ned's plane and couldn't resist taking a picture; and we were impressed with the rapid progress on Ned's garage since there are only two men working there. Fast workers.

In case anyone has issues to bring before the Joe's Pond Association Board of Directors, we will be meeting this Saturday morning. Let me know if there is something you'd like to have addressed by the Board or Membership.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...