Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We seem to be a clearing house of lost and found lately. I'm pleased we found the owners of the life preservers Bryce Montgomery found last week, and now he's found more - - - Here's what he says:

Guess we must be a Magnet!!! Found a package of 4 Jackets out by the Sunken Island.Nice jackets which I would like but somebody really misses them. All in the same package. What a loss. Please post it. Our Phone is 563 3296.Thanks a lot.

I'm sure some of you have been watching the progress of the new home now in place on the Randy Rouleau lot. Last fall we talked to the men who were doing the work on the lawns and cleaning up the brush next to the road, and they assured us that the existing cottage that was moved there back in the 1940's from the small island was going to be left in place. Recently we were told that is not the case, and as soon as the new house is ready, things will be moved from the old cottage and then it will be demolished. This is sad to hear. The little house was built by Sim Whittier and has quite a history here on Joe's Pond. I touched on it briefly as part of "The History of Joe's Pond" which can be accessed from our home page. We are also giving Sim his own page with pictures, a poem he wrote, etc. It's nice to remember such a colorful character from our past.
The top photo is the way the island looked when Sim Whittier lived there
, and the second photo is how the same house with additions, at the Rouleau property on West Shore Road. (Click photos to enlarge.)

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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