Thursday, May 03, 2007

Joe's Pond is almost entirely ice free. This morning at around 9 a.m. there was ice jammed into the cove near the fishing access and also the cove by Hackett's camp. I couldn't see other nooks and crannies, but when I came back home around noon, I could see there was just a little left in those areas and also in the middle pond by Bacon's and Coffrin's. The wind is holding it in those coves, and even with the bright sunshine, temperatures are on the chilly side, so it's taking some time to melt.

I'm getting more reports of the Associated Press follow-up article catching the eyes and ears of people all over the country. Fred Bertrand in Bonita Springs, FL, saw it on ABC last night (Wed.), and lots of other JPA members have seen the story and contacted some of us here.

I sent another note to AP reporter, John Curran, to thank him for the follow-up. This was his reply:

Hey, it's the power and reach of The AP that did it, not me.

Indeed, my short story on the end of the Ice-Out was picked up
nationally and went far and wide.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, I guess.


Like Chico says, "It's been fun."

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