Monday, December 25, 2006


We headed off for a walk this morning with the thermometer in the low 40's, and no snow on the ground. We've had rain - somewhat cold rain, actually, and that kept the road crews busy over the weekend. West Shore Road is well sanded, but the wheel tracks are icy underfoot so we found it better walking on the shoulder. It was quiet as we walked down to camp, and there was very little traffic. Most people were probably at home opening presents or otherwise occupied.

We were surprised to see three ice fishermen on the other side of the pond - off the point by the Amidon/Scott cottages. Not far from where they were, there was open water. I have to believe these guys have a "thing" about ice fishing on Christmas Day, or they had a bet going, or maybe they were just crazy wild to get out there no matter what, but it looked pretty dangerous to us.

Last night we were at camp - oldest son Bill is spending the winter there
- great fun to have the place open again after about 10 years. Fred and I lived there for about 18 years, year around, before there were very many other "year 'rounders". The whole family gathered for our annual Christmas Eve celebration. Bill said someone was out in their boat yesterday afternoon. They went by our cottage and followed up the west shore near the ice, but Bill couldn't tell where they put in. Not too many years you can go boating on Joe's Pond on Christmas Eve - in fact, I've never seen open water this late in the season. Sort of makes one nervous, though, wondering what Mother Nature has in store for us in 2007 . . .

Here are some pictures we took this morning. I hope your Christmas was a wonderful one.
Above: Marlynn Rouleau's lot that's been clear-cut and filled.
Above right: The view from Helen Morrison's, looking east .
Right: New house above "Pete" Blackadar's across Route 2 from West Shore Rd.

Click on photos to enlarge.

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