Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The above pictures were taken September 17, 2006 and September 19, 2006. Different weather, same trees, but I think there is a little more color in the second one. I went to Cabot this morning and I was surprised there were so many leaves falling. The wind had picked up, especially on the Plain.

I worked at the Cabot Historical Society building today, sorting through piles of newspapers, documents, books, photos and magazines. I will be working most of the winter to get these items scanned, properly stored and indexed so the originals are preserved and copies available to the public. There is a lot of very interesting stuff - such as personal journals, deeds, and scrapbooks. It's surprising the information people save. I'll pick out vital statistics such as births, deaths and marriages for our resource center and make an index of the clippings, then the scrapbooks will be either stored or displayed for visitors to see. We now have a computer in our resource area and it's possible we will eventually have a lot of the information available on line.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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