Sunday, June 11, 2006


It's too bad we don't have more control over the weather, but a day like this is good for doing inside odd jobs, catching up on reading, that sort of thing. That's what I was doing this morning - I was catching up on reading Burr Morse's newsletter that came sometime last week by e-mail. If you aren't on his address list, you might want to be for a while. He is a pretty typical Vermonter, great sense of humor, though sometimes it helps if you, too, were born and brought up here. His latest newsletter was titled, "Camping Farmer Style", and it was pretty funny. Brought back a flood of memories of some of the trips our family took years ago.

When you live on a farm, you don't plan to be away for very long unless you have someone to milk for you, at least, in case you don't get back home in time. We didn't go camping, but we did lots of picnics. I remember there used to be lots of flat tires in those days, and because we usually went to the White Mountains, we sometimes had to deal wi
th an overheated engine in the car. That required an unscheduled stop. But we always looked forward to those trips, and loaded as many as possible into the car - sometimes taking more than one car so everyone could go. I found pictures of a couple of those trips. Those folks in front of the car are my grandfather and grandmother Bolton, my father and mother, Aaron and Lettie Bolton, my uncle Jim Jones, and in front, that's me between two more uncles, Bob on the left, and Bill Bolton on the right. (You might ask, what's with her haircut? but that's another story.) Not exactly a happy looking group, but it had probably been a long day and the boys weren't looking forward to getting back in time for milking.

I found another picture that really took me back - another picnic, but this time with my dad and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming (Flee) Milligan, who used to have a store in West Danville opposite the Hastings' Store, where the parking lot is now. Mrs. Milligan was always elegantly dressed, whether at the store or on a picnic, and he always had a cigar in his hand. The shorter elderly gentleman is my Grandfather MacAllan. I guess my mom must have taken that picture.

Anyway, take a little time to go to the link to the Morse Farm Maple Sugar Works in the Community Storefront, Businesses, and you'll find Burr's newsletter. I'm sure you'll enjoy it - and it'll help pass the time on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Click on photos to enlarge.

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