Tuesday, March 28, 2006


This great picture arrived in my e-mail this morning, courtesy of Evelyn and Ray Richer. Even with their very busy life there on Sandy Beach Road, they are always ready to help out. Can't ask for better friends or more cooperation.

Now that everything is in place we can all sit back and wait for the ice to go out and the winner to be revealed. It's a beautiful spring day today - there's going to be some melting going on for sure. Evelyn told me the ice is 20 inches thick behind the islands, about a foot less than last year at this time. That's a bit more than we measured by Hamilton's (16 inches), but the fishing hole was not far from the mouth of the brook and that would probably have made a difference.

If you don't have your Ice-Out ticket, you may be out of luck for this year. I had a call this morning from Don Walker that he's bringing the last 100 tickets over to West Danville and will distribute them to the outlets here, but that's it for this year. We'll have the 2007 tickets ready to go sometime in May or June. Stay tuned! (Picture by Ray Richer)

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