Thursday, June 07, 2012

I promised more information about the large northern pike that was caught here at Joe's Pond this week.  It was caught by 14 year old Brandon Wells, grandson of Dale and Judy Wells, West Shore Road.  This prize fish weighed 11 lbs. 12 ounces and was 38 inches long.  Judy said Brandon caught it in the marsh area at the north end of the pond.  

Judy also said they were unsure whether to keep the fish or release it, but I was able to contact the Vermont Fish and Wildlife and spoke with Eric Palmer, who said it is legal to keep northern pike.  We know this fish is not native to ponds like Joe's - in fact, Palmer said Lake Champlain is the only lake they should be in, but unfortunately people have brought them to various ponds and lakes because they are so much fun to catch.  Palmer said they do not grow rapidly, but several very large ones have been caught in Joe's Pond in the past, and indeed, since my posting Tuesday evening, I've heard from several who have either caught these large fish here or know of them being here.  

We were a bit concerned about the loon chicks being at risk with fish that large around, but Palmer said it would be rare for a pike to take a loon chick.  They are, however, predators on smaller fish, so many fishermen do not like the idea of them having been introduced to Joe's Pond.  Palmer said the marsh area where this one was caught is ideal spawning territory for pike, but said he isn't sure they are actually spawning there and increasing in population.  He said the only way to get rid of them now would be to catch as many as possible.

I don't know if this trophy specimen will be eaten, mounted on the wall in Brandon's room, or otherwise disposed of, but Judy told me they did not release it back into the pond.  Just so you can see how large these fish can get, check out this article about a whopper caught in Lake Champlain.  The guy must have had to cut a bigger hole in the ice to get the fish up through!  So who knows what's lurking in the depths of our pond?  I hope Brandon keeps on fishing and gets more of those big ones.

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