Sunday, June 13, 2021

Back Again!

 I'm sorry to have been absent from my blog pages for so long, and I apologize to my friends who have worried and contacted me to see if I'm ok. I am - I've just been very busy with a variety of things, mostly the West Danville history book that is in the very final stages of being completed but still needs some "tweaking." We are now meeting again on a more or less regular basis at the historical society building in order to get these things done. We are making progress and things are moving ahead; but any one of us will tell you, it isn't an easy process.

While I've been busy with other stuff, things are moving ahead on my screened porch project. I now have two lovely cement walls ready to support the structure, and Ben was here this morning to let me know he will likely be here by the end of this week to back-fill so the carpenters can get going. I don't think it will take very long - it's mostly roof and screens - but of course there needs to be things like wiring and gutters - but that will be fairly minimal, I think. I had hoped to have it by July 4th, but I don't think that can happen. Everyone is very busy because here in Vermont we have only a short window of time to be able to do outdoor projects comfortably.

Speaking of July Fourth, Nancy Buttura sent me a reminder about the band they are sponsoring to celebrate the Fourth. Here's what she wrote:

Fella and I and our family are hosting a wonderful band on our lawn Sunday July 4th from 5 to 8 pm. 

Come in your boats to enjoy Marty, Mathew and Peter, also known as Brooks Henry,(playing at the Red Barn on June 24th, 5:30 pm)  play a variety of music.  We would love to see a good number of boats out there enjoying this great local band.  Fill your boat will friends, drinks and food and come on over to enjoy the music from the lake.

There will be a rain date if needed. \

I'm not familiar with this band, but Nancy told me they play some rock, country, and a little bit of everything. So there's something for everybody!  I'm sure it will be enjoyable. We'll hope the weather is good so you can take your cocktails and/or picnic in your boat and enjoy an evening on the water. For those of you who may not know where the Butturas are, they are located on the east shore (Route 15 side) of the third or largest pond, almost the last cottage at the north end of Old Homestead Road. That said, please beware of Sunken Island - the water level is pretty low at this writing, and you might hit bottom there. There is a barrel marking the shallows, but if you stay well away from it and you should be ok. DO NOT tie your boat to the marker or tamper with it. 


I received another announcement from both Dorothy Penar who keeps an eye on the cyanobacteria situation here at the pond, and from secretary of the Association, Jamie Stewart. They want to be sure that people on the pond know about this meeting:

From: Peter Isles []
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 8:22 AM

Subject: Cyanobacteria public meeting June 17, 5:30-7 pm

 Hello cyanobacteria volunteers!

 I just wanted to distribute a flyer for the virtual public meeting that I mentioned in the last email, which is scheduled for next Thursday, June 17 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. The meeting will include about an hour of talks from representatives of VT DEC, Vermont health department, and the Lake Champlain committee giving some context to trends in cyanobacteria blooms locally and globally, emerging issues of concern, and things people can do to help (some of which you are all already doing!). There will be time at the end reserved for questions and answers.

 I am sorry that I haven’t gotten back to you yet with a date for trainings, I have been trying to coordinate a day that works with Lori or Bridget but things have been hectic. I think we are close to a date, and I will get back to you with that shortly.



There was also a pdf with instructions about how to join the meeting, but I can only send you the text from that, so if you want to join the meeting, I suggest you get in touch with either Dorothy Penar or Jamie Stewart. Sorry I am not able to figure that out. There probably is a way of managing that, but even when I clicked on the original link in the pdf, I wasn't able to find out how to join.

Here is the information from the pdf: (click on the image to make it larger.

Also, Karen Cobb sent this thankyou message today:
I want to give a shout out to all who helped find Gunnar today when he took off past Frank Dolan’s camp. A cadre of people went into action, so  I'm thanking all of them for their concern and assistance. Super folks up here always!

Turns out he was 2 doors down swimming with another yellow Lab! He is in the dog house with me currently, but that doesn’t mean much as he knows how much he is loved!

Anyway, so thankful he is okay.

Karen - Gunnar is just really happy to be at Joe's Pond and making new friends! It's his happy place!

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't...