Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Lovely Moment

 We have had some wonderful weather for several days - even today, with some light showers, was not terrible. It was still warm and mellow - almost soothing.  It was sunny this morning with some fog clinging to the hillsides over valleys as we drove west to Berlin for my regular eye shots. Later, in the afternoon, Fred had an appointment in St. Johnsbury and we left home with a fine mist in the air, but it never did actually rain. But it was warm and very comfortable - for mid-November. 

Yesterday I had an email with this lovely photo of a Joe's Pond sunset - it was taken

either Sunday or Monday evening, by Joanne Stewart. The pond is quiet - almost like glass on some of these beautiful days. Amid the turmoil of the election and the escalation of Covid-19 infections, it is nice to have a moment like this, watching the sun go down over such a peaceful lake. 

Looking at this photo, it's hard to believe that we have neighbors quarantining because they have tested positive for the Coronavirus, but I know of four in our neighborhood, and a doctor told me recently that there are many cases in St. Johnsbury and Lyndonville - and we know that there have been breakouts in the Barre-Montpelier area, as well. We were all being a bit complacent, thinking it wouldn't happen here, but it has. Vermont has been very lucky but with the change in weather and schools in session, the dynamics have changed - and as predicted, we're facing another round of infections. We need to be extra careful to wear face masks and stay well away from other humans, even those we know or who are in our family circle if they are out and about; and now is not the time to host get togethers with friends or family, especially if they are from out-of-state. Stay at home if you possibly can, and when you have to go out, wear your face mask and give others plenty of room. Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands, and don't touch your face. If someone has to come to work in your house, open windows and doors to air it out or use a fan to boost circulation of fresh air. In this nice weather, it's more sensible to do your socializing outside rather than inside. We all hope that the vaccine will be ready later this year and we can begin to conquer this pandemic, but in the meantime, please be careful. We all want to be able to enjoy more beautiful Joe's Pond moments.

That said, this Saturday is the start of the annual deer hunting season, so we will begin to see hunters cruising the back roads or walking in fields - and we'll hear the gunshots. I haven't seen many deer in our vicinity this year, but that doesn't mean there won't be hunters in the area. Be careful if you are walking on the rail-trail or along our roads. Wear bright colors - preferably hunter orange - and if you have pets, be sure they are wearing something red or orange so they won't be mistaken for game. Sometimes hunters don't wait to actually see exactly what they are shooting at - so be sure to talk, sing, or make some noise to let them know you are not a target.

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