Friday, February 28, 2020

As predicted, we got walloped with more snow yesterday and last night. I measured 7 inches this morning, but there is a tough crust underneath all of it that was formed by a whole lot of heavy, wet snow that came down yesterday afternoon. The temperature then dropped and everything froze up - got down in the high teens overnight - and we're at 24.5 degrees now. There isn't a lot of wind, but while I was outside getting measurements, there were some strong gusts and I came in well coated with snow. Such is the end of February here!

Fred is out with the snow blower - West Shore Road has been plowed and traffic is moving - what traffic there is, anyway. I think people tend to stay home on blustery days like this. We have to go out for some groceries and some errands in St. J., but that shouldn't be a problem. With all the flu bugs and viruses going around,  we  kind of hate to leave the house! One must eat, however!

Drive carefully if you have to be on the road - there could be whiteouts from blowing snow, and icy patches. Spring is just around the corner - trees are tapped and sap has been running, town meeting is coming right up - we'll see tulips and green grass soon!

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Spring Mix!

I started this a couple days ago but got kind of busy and never got back to it. I had posted about the Route 2 construction, but that notice...