Saturday, May 25, 2019

We had the first JPA meeting of the 2019 season this morning. It was a very special meeting. It was a pretty warm (comparatively) morning and lots of people turned out. I'm guessing at least 100 - a very good turnout for the first meeting when some people aren't back at the pond yet. 
     Then, both President Tom Dente and I resigned from office. We've each had about 20 years as officers on the Board of Directors - long enough, probably; it was difficult to make that decision, but for me, at least, it was definitely time and I'm turning my secretarial duties over to a couple of very capable people, Jamie and Joanne Stewart. 
     Tom has been a wonderful leader for the Association and he will definitely be missed. He and his wife, Camilla have been dedicated to Joe's Pond Association and brought so much to the mix it's hard to know where to begin. Tom said in his farewell today that the members of JPA were "like family," and said he always felt they should be treated like family. That he did - and with his guidance, the Association grew with respect for fellow members and a deep concern for the pond and our environment. Along the way, Tom was steady, good-natured, and fair. The members appreciated him - he held the office of president longer than any other person in the organization's history.
     The meeting was an emotional one, with lots of good humor, laughter and a tear or two, and along with all of that, the Ice-Out Contest winner received her check and went away happy, reports were made and accepted, decisions were made and I believe everyone went away with some feelings of sadness and regret, but also knowing the high standards Tom set will be carried on by his replacement, Joe Hebert. Joe is fortunate that he, like Tom, has a supportive, hard-working, dedicated wife who will  be at his side just as Camilla was at Tom's through the years. Pam is already very active in the Association and has proven herself time and again on committees and heading up the  boat inspection program.
     At today's meeting, Pam stressed that we should be aware that while we've so far been fortunate in not having to cope with eurasian milfoil,  from time to time we do have a blue-green algae that may or may not be toxic, and on dry land we have purple loosestrife that is very invasive.
Pam urges you to be aware and if you have questions, give her a call at 684-3655. The links above will tell you more about these pests. Pam said she doesn't feel either is a huge concern for Joe's Pond, but we all need to be aware. She considers watermilfoil by far the bigger threat but said the greeter program and biennial surveys give us an advantage. 
   You are in good hands, Joe's Pond Association! 

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Update & Request

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