Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Is anyone else surprised at how quickly time passes? I was startled tonight when someone reporting on yesterday's elections remarked that changes would be taking place after the new year - in about seven weeks. And I realized it WILL be 2019 in about seven weeks. That means Christmas is really "just around the corner!" Every year I think I'm going to start early on whatever projects I have in mind for Christmas; and every year I find myself short of time - all of a sudden it's a reality, ready or not! I need to get going.

Today has been another very mild, not-much-sunshine kind of day. November is living up to its reputation for being the cloudiest month of the year, for sure. At least all the snow is gone. I expect the deer hunters are hoping we'll get more snow by this weekend when hunting season begins. I haven't seen many deer around our house this year. Usually we have them on the back lawn, but if they have come this year it was during the night or at least when I wasn't aware of them. I usually see them as they come out of the woods in the back because my office window faces that direction. Nothing so far this year - although all the apples under our tree disappeared rather quickly, so I guess they visited under cover of darkness. We have seen turkeys, a bear and partridges, so perhaps it was a group effort, cleaning up our apples!

That reminds me - people who may not be familiar with deer hunting season who walk on the rail trail or back roads should be sure to wear something bright red or better yet, get one of those "hunter orange" vests, or an orange hat that will really show up well. Put vests on your dogs when you take them out for a walk during hunting season, too. You do not want to be mistaken for a deer, and you never know where the hunters are. Much of the land along this road is posted, but some is not, and during hunting season we see carloads of hunters passing by. So if you are out walking or on your bike, play it safe and wear hunter orange or some other bright color. Just be sure you avoid wearing anything black, brown, tan or white. That pretty much applies to every breed of dog and a lot of our winter or fall clothing. Most sporting goods stores or Caplan's Army Store in St. Johnsbury will have the orange vests, or you can order them on line - it won't be here by Saturday, but you should have it by next week - and deer hunting lasts until the Sunday after Thanksgiving, the 10th to the 25th; then you have muzzle-loader from Dec. 1st through the 9th. 

Be safe and enjoy the season!

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