Wednesday, September 26, 2018

This came a few minutes ago from Jack LaGue:

I was sitting in my office downstairs this afternoon and heard a loud, low droning sound outside.  I went outside to check it out and a V-22 Osprey flew by over the lake low and slow... at about 500' high and the tilt rotors about 80 degrees... not quite vertical (similar to the picture below).  Another one was following about 1/2 mile behind the first one.

I wish I had thought to take a picture or video...perhaps someone on the pond thought to do that.

Pretty neat.... I had never seen one that close before.

I did not see the planes, but I did hear them. I was working here at my computer and it sounded like a helicopter. Those go over our house regularly, and I don't pay any attention. That would have been interesting to see - and get a picture of. I included the picture Jack sent (above) that came from a website.

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