Thursday, June 28, 2018

I was concentrating here at my computer late this afternoon when some motion caught my attention out on the back lawn. At first I thought I was just seeing a dark spot in the bushes, but then it began to move and turns out it was a very large adult bear. This was no yearling - it was REALLY big. It stayed pretty much in the bushes, so I couldn't get a picture and the light wasn't very good anyway - it was one of those periods when it looked like we were in for a rousing good thunder storm. 

Fred immediately checked to see where Woody was (asleep on his bench in the living room) and then he went outside to be sure the doors in the garage were closed. Apparently the bear heard him and stood up on its hind legs just for a moment to get a better look through the bushes. I was glad the beast didn't come down closer to investigate, but meandered into the dense underbrush at the edge of our lawn. I could see the bushes moving sor some time, so I knew he was still there, apparently finding something to eat. There are some very old pieces of wood left over from woodpiles we had years ago up there, and I imagine they are loaded with wood ants and grubs. Ants would be a satisfactory snack for a bear, I expect. Perhaps I'll go up tomorrow and see what there is for evidence; but you couldn't pay me to go out there tonight.

I've been watching Front Porch Forum and noticing all the alerts about bears in the Hardwick area. We were up that way this afternoon and all we saw for wildlife were a couple of very healthy looking turkeys out in a field off of Brickett's Crossing Road. No bears in evidence. However, some of the people reporting bear problems and damage are saying their bird feeders were knocked down or their garbage cans were tipped over and garbage scattered. I guess they haven't been listening to all the warnings from the wildlife experts telling us to take in bird feeders and keep garbage inside. 

Are you ready for hot, humid summer weather? Right in time for the Fourth of July! Looks like it might be perfect weather for the fireworks on the third of July - although there could be a shower that afternoon. We'll hope it all works out so we don't have to wait until the fifth of July for the fireworks at Joe's Pond.

And don't forget about the Spirits of Vermont wine tasting party on Sunday, July 1. Here's all the information you'll need - click to make the image larger.

This is the beginning of real summer, with all its fun and activity - and there will be lots of people out on the water and on the roads. Please be careful. Remember to wear your life jackets when you are on the water, and do drive carefully. Roads will be busy, so have patience and please do not speed, especially on back roads where there may be children playing or people walking. Take a few extra minutes and keep yourself and others safe. Be careful in the heat, too. This is going to be a very hot weekend - could reach 100 degrees, and it's going to be humid. So stay cool, be cool, and enjoy. Summer is short!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...