Thursday, April 26, 2018

These pictures are from Diane Rossi - not much has changed (that we can see) down there on the ice, but we know literally tons of water are flowing into the pond, and that will raise the temperature of the water under the ice and will push the ice upwards, dislodging it from the shoreline and causing it to weaken and begin to break apart. We'll see more distinct changes soon.
     I saw an interesting piece on CBS this morning about states that are now going back to teaching cursive in their schools. Unfortunately, Vermont is not one of them. Turns out, lots of children actually enjoy taking the time to write a real letter - and teachers are finding it's a great way for the children to have some "quiet time" (which apparently is rare in modern-day classrooms). Teachers also said they find teaching cursive to the students is a great way for them to learn punctuation and helps them with thought formation. The class they featured had teamed up with some senior citizens who were more than happy to exchange letters with the students - and everyone gained from the experience. What a great way for students to learn! Seniors have a lot to share, and so do the children.
    Which reminds me - I've been searching for information about cedar oil stills. There were lots of these operations in the late 1800s and 1900s, but I have not been able to find out how they worked. I remember there was a cedar oil operation on Route 15 in Walden years ago, but I don't know who ran it. I remember seeing it next to the road in a cedar swamp area. I'm sure there are many people who know about this process, but I haven't found anyone yet. I could not find anything on line, either. Please let me know if you have any knowledge about the process or know someone who might. Email me at Yes, it's for the West Danville history book! Write what you know and we'll certainly give you due credit in the book.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...