Saturday, July 15, 2017

There was a nice turnout for the ribbon-cutting ceremony to open the Charles D. Brainerd Public Library today in West Danville.  We had only one very brief shower that didn't really get anyone very wet - the rest of the afternoon was sunny and perfect for the gathering.  

The library is very small, but beautifully restored.  Everything is clean and fresh, and the committee (and their husbands) deserve a big "thank you" from the community for taking on this project.

WCAX came on Wednesday to interview the committee.  Here is a link to their piece that aired this morning.  Fred and I took pictures - unfortunately I had the camera when the ribbon cutting took place and I didn't do a very good job with this picture, at the right.  Sen. Jane Kitchel (top of steps right) and her sister, Rep. Kitty Toll (top of steps left) were both there; former librarian at the little library, Jane Larrabee, did the honors cutting the red and white ribbon for it to officially reopen.  There were refreshments, and a nice display of the raffle items.  Raffle tickets were available and you'll also find printable tickets on home page of our website.  Drawing for the raffle will be on August 26 at the Joe's Pond Beach pavilion.  More on that later.

We were happy to see that some folks rode their bikes down the rail trail and used the path through the grass to reach the library. 

In this picture, Rosie Smith is lining up the committee for pictures before the ribbon-cutting.   At top are Mary Anne Cassani, Jane Hastings Larrabee inside, and Joanne Stewart.  In front, Pam Hebert, Rosie with her back to the camera, and Karen Morris.  These ladies are all members of the Joe's Pond Association, and we are very proud that they initiated and executed this project so perfectly.  

The library will now be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (and some Saturdays) from 1 to 4 p.m.   The library will operate on the honor system - one can borrow up to four books and return them at your convenience.  It's vacation time - great for reading, and now there's a handsome little library filled with great mysteries, novels and children's books, free to all.  Perhaps you have books you'd like to donate, and if so, mention it to whoever is minding the library when you visit.  It will help keep the stock fresh.

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