Wednesday, May 17, 2017

We've had a really hot day - summer seems to be here.  Tomorrow is going to be even warmer - in the 80's here and possibly 90's in some other places.  As usual, I'm behind in everything - the flower beds look awful but I don't like to work in them when it's so hot; the steps aren't quite finished, but it was too hot today to work on them.  Of course, if I'd been willing to get up really early and work while it was still nice and cool . . . but with all the activity of the deck being torn apart, I'll wait a while, I think.  Enough going on.

I've been putting albums of photos and newspaper clippings in order to get ready to return them to the Cabot Historical Society when I go for the annual meeting on the 28th.  Most are finished, but need stickers identifying them, etc.  I had some pictures of high school classes that I needed to put into the albums, and found a very interesting album of newspaper clippings about the Cabot Creamery - not a lot of very early clippings, but some about when they were in the process of deciding to go with Agri-Mark, and when Bob Davis retired, also when they changed their logo.  I didn't take time to read much of them, but will try to do that before I take that album to the museum for permanent storage.  It will still be available there in the research section.  It was pretty interesting. I can't digitize that album because the pages are too large.  It's not the regular album size I use normally, but a scrapbook type album.  My copier won't accommodate a page that large.

I'm enjoying listening to the peepers down by the pond and in the nearby marshes across the road from us.  They are very loud, and sometimes I've heard them in the daytime, but mostly I hear them at night.  I'm still hearing lots of geese calling.  I expect they have their young now and are settling in for the summer.  I haven't heard the loons, but then, I haven't been outside in the evening much recently.  We have heard the coyotes a few times, and Jamie and Marie, who live just above us, frequently see one crossing their field in the early mornings.  When the coyotes are running in the woods at night and yelping, it's a little bit scary.  We are glad Woody is inside at night now.


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