Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Well, the ground was white when I first looked out this morning.  So I went back to bed.  By the time I could muster the courage to look again, the traces of snow had melted away, but the temperature was still in the mid thirties.  It's been chilly and wet again all day, with snow flurries.  At least we didn't have measurable snow.  That would send a lot of people back to bed, I bet.

I've been busy sorting through files and putting my office back in order after the frenzy of the Ice-Out Contest, ordering 2018 tickets  and getting the newsletter out.  There's a short window between Ice-Out activities these days.  I'm also getting ready for the Cabot Historical Society annual meeting - getting my stuff together, so I really haven't minded being inside on a day like today.

I was noticing today when I cam back from my walk, our lawn is going to need mowing very soon.  I hope the rain and snow showers stop long enough to keep ahead of the grass.  Somebody quoted an old saying today, something like, "Rainy May, barn bulging with hay."  Perfect grass-growing weather.  It will improve soon, I'm sure.  If not, we may have to organize a sundance.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...