Monday, February 27, 2017

Another beautiful spring day.  We're starting off with lots of sunshine and temperatures in the high 30s, apparently moving up.  If it warms up sufficiently, this should be a good sap day.  There is a nice wind out of the west - I'm reminded of the old poem,
 "The Winds of Maple" 
When the wind's in the west, the sap runs best,
When the wind's in the north, the sap runs forth,
When the wind's in the south, the sap runs drouth
When the wind's in the east, sap runs least. 

And there you have it - the sap maker's rule.

We didn't get any snow or rain yesterday - perhaps a flake or two here and there, but no buildup.  We are so far retaining the 18 inches or so cover we still have, down from about 3 feet, and that keeps everything looking good and most ski and snow machine trails are still pretty good at this elevation.  South of us - probably not as good.

I've been hanging out inside mostly this past weekend, trying to beat a mean cough.  I got some sort of bug a little over a week ago that has me sounding like an ancient bullfrog.  Fortunately, Fred hasn't picked it up, and today I'm beginning to feel better after a good night's sleep last night.  This sort of thing limits my talking, for sure.  I mostly can't get through a complete sentence without coughing.  Fred might say that's a blessing - but since I'm the main chef around here, he wouldn't dare. 

We've been watching a sheriff's car patrolling here on W. Shore Road this morning. It's been by and back at least twice.  I don't know if they are looking for someone or something specific or if it's just routine.  The car was at the south entrance of Cabot Village when we were down there the other day - so perhaps he/she is just fulfilling a policing commitment to the town.  Town Meeting is coming up right away, so it may be an effort to look good to voters.  I'm not sure how the sheriff's contract with the town is negotiated, but it's nice to see law enforcement out and about, whatever the reason.

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