Sunday, January 24, 2016

This has been another nice day with temperatures in the low 20s.  I have been cold all day, but that's because I finally caught Fred's cold he's been dealing with all week.  It's the sniffling sort of thing that I doubt will amount to much more than an irritation, but it was a good excuse to hang out inside all day.

I had a note from Karen Cobb in Virginia saying they got about 13-14 inches of snow in this storm, but they didn't lose their electric power.  Karen said their dog, Gunnar, now about 1 year old, is loving the snow.  He was born in Holden, Maine, so Karen thinks he's a natural to be in snow.  He's a cutie, for sure.

Diane Rossi told me there was a car doing wheelies on the ice last night.  There was a full moon, I think, and it was a beautiful night, but that was a really dangerous stunt, and I'm just glad no harm came of it.  A truck went through on Memphremagog recently, and I think also one on Champlain.  The ice this year is particularly unpredictable because of the unusual weather during December and the first part of January.  Some folks have more courage than sense, I guess.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...