Friday, November 27, 2015

Our weather today is unusually mild.  My thermometer is reading 54 degrees, at about noon.  There's a warm breeze out of the south, and the sun is shining intermittently.  I awoke to a soft glow coming in the windows this morning and took this picture moments before it clouded over and looked dismal for most of the early morning.  The sunrise was very pretty while it lasted.

I finally got some earlier photos filed.  We were in St. Johnsbury on Wednesday and on the way there noticed for the first time the large array of solar panels at the Charter building off of Dole Hill on Route 2.  They have probably been there for a long time, but we just never noticed.  We drove up to the Charter location so we could get a better picture.

We also got some pictures of the pond as we  came by.  There was a lot of "cat ice" on the first two ponds, but only the northern coves on the big pond were partially frozen and most of the big pond is still ice free.  This warm weather will melt that ice, but the water is certainly getting cold enough so they will all be closed in soon.  The first picture is by Point Comfort, the next is of the middle pond from Indian Joe's, and the last is the north end of the pond from our house.

We had a really nice Thanksgiving on Wednesday evening.  Bill, Monika and the girls came - the others were celebrating the day on Thursday.  Fred got this picture of Tangeni, or "Boo-Boo" as she is generally known to family members, as she was reading to her best friend, Woody.  This was a new book we brought back from Maine for her, about a mermaid.  Both she and Woody were fascinated.  Even though she had never seen the book before, she read it easily, sounding out the words like a pro.  That's her mom at the counter next to the window, pouring honey in her tea, and sister Jo-Ann, "Jo-Jo" in the pink shirt.  Tangeni had picked out a special dress to wear that had pictures of cats on it.  She does love cats, and in particular, Woody.  He spent all of yesterday resting up after all the attention.

Now it's time to head out for our walk to get back on our regular schedule - and perhaps shed some of the extra pounds we've put on in the past couple of days.  Those leftovers are really good, though, and it's hard to resist.  We've frozen the pies to make them a little less accessible, but the leftover turkey and ham HAVE to be eaten up while still fresh.  If any of that goes into the freezer, I will likely never find it again until it's no longer good.  So the rule is, we have to eat it up.  I do sometimes freeze the carcass until I'm ready to make soup, but I'm going to try to make soup this weekend. 

And now it's time to get busy with Christmas plans!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...