Friday looks like a "GO" for the big fireworks display at Joe's Pond. If the weather suddenly turns sour and we have to postpone, they will be set off on Sunday evening, but for now it looks as if the weather has turned warmer and drier just for us and fireworks will begin at dusk on Friday evening. We remind folks that the beach and the first two ponds are no good for viewing the fireworks. Unless you know someone who lives in a good spot on the lake and are invited to watch with them, the best spots are at the south end of the pond at the fishing access or at the north end on a hillside overlooking the pond - roads off of Route 15 like Davidson Drive are best. Other than that, the best way to see them is from a boat, which is really awesome - just remember not to proceed up the pond past the islands as that is a danger zone where debris and possibly some unspent or hot material could fall on you. People are

Saturday morning at 10 a.m. is the Joe's Pond Association Annual Meeting at the pavilion. We hope lots of members will be there and invite anyone who has recently purchased a cottage here to attend - or others who have an interest in our pond. Only members will be allowed to vote for officers or any other business matters, but non-members are certainly welcome to come to the meeting and ask questions or let us know of concerns you may have.
There will be a big Fourth of July Parade in Cabot Village at 11 o'clock, and interesting stuff going on all day, including a huge rummage sale and open house at the Cabot Historical Society Museum.
If you haven't had quite enough Fourth of July Celebrating, there will be all day - into the evening events in Newport at Gardner Memorial Park. Fred and I will be heading there to hear son Bob's band, the "Hit Men" at 7 p.m. It's their first official gig, and we don't want to miss it. I'm expecting there will be some good food available up there, too - "fair" food like fried dough, onion rings, burgers and french fries that's taboo except on very special occasions like this!

There should be enough activity this weekend to satisfy even the most hyper individuals. We want to wish everyone a wonderful, safe Fourth of July celebration.
Now to bring you back to the real world and the fact that beginning on Monday Route 15 will be closed to traffic between West Danville and the intersection of Route 15 at Walden Heights while
the Walden Bridge that crosses Joe's Brook is out of commission. We can probably expect additional traffic on West Shore Road as some people will use that instead of following the signs that will take them through Marshfield and Cabot Village. The Danville and Cabot (and perhaps Walden) road crews have been preparing the road so it will be in top condition at the start of the 28 day period the bridge will be closed. That is a plus for those of us who live on this road. Another plus for some is that with more people expected to pass by on this road, now would be the time to get your "For Sale" or "Yard Sale" signs ready. That advice may come under the category of "when you're dealt lemons, make lemonade."
One more quick note. Some of you may not know that Andy LaPrade is in Central Vermont hospital. He's doing better, we're told, but has had a tough time with pneumonia. Sherry goes to the hospital every day, so if you wish to send a card, I'm sure they'd both appreciate knowing that their many friends in the area are thinking of them. Their mailing address is: P. O. Box 15, West Danville VT 05873.
Also, I think Fred is putting the printable Ice-Out tickets page up today - you never know who may want to get in on the Ice-Out Contest action and not have tickets available! Way to go, Fred!
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