Thursday, July 16, 2015

I recently received these photos from middle son, Bob, taken earlier this month.  He and his niece, Jo-Ann (our 16 year old granddaughter) went "zip lining" in the White Mountains to celebrate his birthday.  I don't know this, but I suspect nobody else in the family was interested in zipping high in mid air from mountain to mountain and trekking through dense forest. I had no idea they were doing this trip, and would probably have worried if I had known, but Bob said they had a great time.  It looks pretty darned scary to me.  Jo-Ann is not timid about trying new things and Bob loves adventure and a challenge.  Just getting there on that swinging bridge would do me in.  All the safety devices in the world would not be enough to convince me I wouldn't land in the puckerbrush with some important part of me broken and bloody.  Bob said they had a great time - I haven't heard Jo-Ann's version yet, but I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it, too. 

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