Friday, May 15, 2015

I was asked by Lorraine MacLeod, a friend and former neighbor who grew up in East Cabot, to let you know there will be a memorial service for Russ Therrien at the Cabot United Church on Saturday, May 23Russ died in December while visiting at one of his daughter's.  He and his wife, Dot, farmed for many years in East Cabot, on Route 2, and have many friends in the area.  Our sincere condolences to Dot and her family. 


Friends of Cabot's oldest citizen, Blanche Lamore, are invited to send cards to Blanche in honor of her 103 birthday this month.  I'm not certain of the exact day, but I know she was born in May of 1912, and had lived her whole life in Cabot until this winter when she went to a nursing home in Derby, near where son and family live.  Her address there is:  Derby Green, Blanche Lamore, P. O. Box 24, Derby VT 05829.  I'm sure she'll be happy to hear from old friends.

Our day has "weak" sunshine and a cooler temperature of about 60 degrees.  Not altogether unpleasant, and good weather for working outside.  The cherry blossoms are just beginning to show and I think the black flies will not be far behind.  Old timers say the trout fishing isn't good until the cherry blossoms are out.   I don't know about that.  I guess nature works cooperatively so everything is related one way or another. 

The no-fires ban has been lifted in some parts of the state, but even though we've had 1.65 in. of rainfall here this week and things are greening up nicely, there is still danger in having open fires.  We should also remember that we need a permit from the local Fire Warden if we want to burn leaves or grass, and some materials such as plastics, treated wood and garbage are not to be burned at all.  Recycle those.  We don't burn, but use our leaves for bedding in the flowers or vegetable gardens, and what we don't use for that are left on the ground and mulched by the lawn mower. The grass is getting to cutting length already, so Fred will be out there soon.  There isn't much time to rest between moving snow and mowing grass! 

We decided about a week ago it was safe to take our winter tires off, and that was done yesterday at the Danville Garage.  While waiting, Fred took a walk in the park and brought back some nice pictures of the new Green and surroundings.  Danville Green walk.

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Good News!

 The following was posted on tonight's Front Porch Forum - good news for Cabot folks, indeed! Cabot Post Office Betty Ritter • Town C...