Saturday, October 04, 2014

The Joe's Pond community was stunned this week when Garey Larrabee met with a very serious accident Monday night that landed him a helicopter ride to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.  We are glad to report that he is doing well; however, he will likely remain at DHMC for some time.  For those of you who may not know who Garey is, he and his wife, Jane, own and operate  Hastings Store in West Danville and Garey is postmaster there.  Garey is one of the kindest and hardest working people I know, and his generosity and thoughtfulness has touched nearly every person in the community at one time or another.  We spoke with the folks at the store yesterday and they told us that for the time being only family is allowed to visit him, but cards or other messages wishing him well can be either mailed to him at home - P. O. Box 58, West Danville VT 05873 - or left at the store and Jane will take them to him.  We will keep you posted on his progress.

We were surprised to learn the Conley cottage at 108 Narrows Drive is on the market.  There are a number of very nice cottages available on the pond right now - some have been on the market for a while, others have been listed more recently.  We have several listed on our website.  

Our beautiful sunny weather is gone today, and so are lots of the beautiful leaves.  There has been a misty rain for the past hour or so, and the wind is scattering leaves from the trees.  We still have some very nice color, but I think we are past peak foliage here.  We do need the rain, so the change in weather is actually welcome - as long as we don't get snow . . . !

The top picture is our Washington hawthorn tree taken on Monday, and the bottom picture was taken today.  Lots of the trees are bare at the tops like this because they are protected on the lower level by evergreens or the terrain and so still have some of their foliage.  

The rain is now coming down in earnest.  We hope to have at least a day of gentle rain to give the ground a chance to absorb it.  So far, so good - we seem to be getting intermittent, gentle showers.  I imagine this is making it pretty uncomfortable for deer hunters on this first day of bow season, but at least it will make traveling in the woods quieter  for them.

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RWVL Update and Winter Memories

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