Saturday, October 12, 2013

We are going to have another beautiful fall day - the sun is shining brightly this morning, and there's not a cloud in the sky.  Earlier, I heard gun shots from the direction of the pond - I'm assuming it's either duck or goose hunters.  I don't  like the idea of shooting things, but on the other hand, too much of  anything isn't good, and we've certainly had "too much" of the geese around in the past couple of years.   I don't expect many of them will actually be shot, but just being shot at will perhaps discourage them from frequenting Joe's Pond quite as much in the future.  Assuming they have memory of past experiences.

Diana Klingler and I worked yesterday on organizing the articles for our Silent Auction that will be part of the Apple Pie Festival on October 19th.  Just a week from today!  We have lots of items - and a very broad price range, so there's something for just about everyone.  The weather may not be quite as nice next Saturday, but that doesn't really matter, the Festival takes place in the gym and there's plenty to see, do, and eat, right in one spot, comfortably.  After that, for me, at least, things will calm down and I can attend less hectic projects - until it's time to gear up for the Ice-Out Contest.  See how quickly time passes?  Already I'm thinking "spring"!

Today Fred and I will be doing outside work, and part of that will be to dig some potatoes.  I planted just a few last spring, and have no idea if there will be even a few.  I admit I forgot about them and only pulled earth up around them once after they were settled in a trench.  I had good intentions, but I confess - I'm not much of a gardener/farmer.  My father would not be proud.  Oh, well.  He'd like that I am doing my best to preserve local history, as that was important to him.  I do what I can.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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