Thursday, August 22, 2013

Another lovely day here at Joe's Pond.  It's rather sad that the summer is nearly over.  I went to St. Johnsbury for an early morning appointment - after years in the sun, I worry that all those very bad sunburns I endured decades ago might result in some serious problems, but so far so good.  I'm now listening to Debussy - it's his birthday - did you see the Google Doodle this morning?  If not, go there and click on the doodle - be sure your speakers are turned up.   His music is a little sad, but perfectly lovely.  I'm now listening as I type to more on  1st

Here's a clip from YouTube that Fred and I got a kick out of watching - these kids seem to get it right after a few awkward tries.  They are at Lake Eligo.   Makes you want summer to last a lot longer, doesn't it?  

I had very sad news yesterday.  I learned that Margaret "Peggy" Brickett Sawyer (Hosmer) passed away on May 30.  She was in Dover, N.H., with her family.  Peggy was a long-time Joe's Ponder and loved coming each summer to the family cottage on Otis Drive.  Click here to see her obituary.  Condolences may be sent to her daughter, Susan Vaillancourt, 277 Sheldon Brook Rd., Lyndonville VT 05851.  I'm sorry I didn't know about her death earlier, but if it was in the local papers, I missed it.  The family surely understands, and expressions of sympathy will be appreciated, I know.  Peggy was and interesting lady, and it was always a pleasure to talk with her.  I'll miss her.

Did you notice I updated the background colors of the blog?  Fred had made some changes on the web site that kind of forced me into updating the blog, too.  Now there seems to me to be a smoother transition from home page to the blog page.  We are inclined to "tinker" with stuff like that between more serious projects.  I've been putting together pictures to take to the Joe's Pond Association final meeting this Saturday, and Fred has been trouble-shooting for a web site client whose site was hacked recently.  It helps to take a break sometimes and do something less intense - then when you go back to the serious stuff you will have renewed energy, and sometimes a breakthrough just when you need it.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't...