Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10, 2013

Yesterday was an interesting day.  Several weeks ago I received an email from Jill Baker, an archaeologist, wanting to visit local sites where there were forts or block houses during the Revolutionary War days.  I agreed to show her where the fort was on Cabot Plain (as near as we can tell from old records), and Judy Clifford was going to show her Walden's.  Judy was unable to go with us yesterday, but I met Jill and three others at the Cabot Historical Society so they could see the artifacts we have which were unearthed in the general vicinity of the fort, and then we went onto the Plain.

There is no real indication of where the old fort might have been.  Years of agriculture have removed any land marks, and Jill said it would be unlikely there would be any evidence left to dig for.  She was able to get general coordinates and even though the weather was hazy, everyone enjoyed the view.

Jill earned her PhD in near eastern archaeology, and formed an independent organization, Archaeological Horizons, based in Miami, from which to work.  She recently published a book, The Funeral Kit.

So how come she's interested in block houses in Vermont?  It seems she is interested in the possibilities the ground holds wherever she is, and while spending time in Vermont with her family, she is exploring block houses along the Bayley-Hazen Road.  

Today I'm heading with friends to search property boundary lines - but more about that later as I need to get my boots on (literally) and grab a sandwich before I go to meet them.

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