Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We've had erratic weather most of today - sunshine, clouds, showers, and showers with the sunshine.  It's staying pretty cool, too - around 70 degrees, in the sun with rain falling.  The garden is loving it..

Diane Rossi sent an e-mail a little after noon saying there was a white barrel floating down the pond.  I didn't get the e-mail right away, but when I did, Fred called them to see if it is the Sunken Island barrel, but they couldn't tell - I guess they couldn't see really if it was there or not.  I've spoken to Jamie and he said it is the Sunken Island barrel and he'll get it back out tomorrow morning.  It's hard to see the island when the water is rough to know where exactly to put it, so it will be easier in the morning, he hopes.  In the meantime, it's lodged on the southeast shore so won't be going anywhere.

We went to Danville yesterday - Fred did some errands for one of our neighbors, and I took the opportunity to stop by the town offices to check on recent property changes on the pond.  Two places have sold this summer - Bob Buzzi's camp on Route 2 has been sold to Jeremy and Judith Emmons from Barre, and the Ide cottage on Island Drive was sold to Reed and Karen Korrow of Northfield Falls.  We welcome both families to Joe's Pond.  Ray Rouleau is "on the job" paying them a visit and letting them know what the Joe's Pond Association is about, and we look forward to meeting them next spring - if not before.  

We were impressed at how quiet Danville was yesterday when we were there.  The ladies at the town office were delighted with the change, enjoying not having to compete with bells, whistles, and roaring engines or blasting while they prepared for today's election.  Fred could move around the common without worrying about being in the way of machinery or workers, and took some pictures while he waited for me.  The picture above is the town hall.  The whole village was this quiet.  Here's a short slide show.

Some of you have been very kind about purchasing my books, and I appreciate that.  The company that publishes for me, Lulu.com, recently updated their offerings, and I've taken advantage of that.  First, they offered an opportunity for me to put the books on sale, and then they came up with "buy" buttons to make it easier.  Best of all, the two books are now available as e-books, that can be downloaded to those gadgets kids (and adults) love.  I don't have one of those gadgets, but I'm happy to update so my stuff is available for them.  We have books and other items available  on the website - go to "Local Products" .

 By the way, we still have that nice little HearthStone propane stove we replaced with a wood stove this summer.  We'd kind of put selling it on the back burner during the summer, but now that the days are getting shorter and the evenings cooler, it is time to think about things like that, and we're hoping someone will want it.  Here's a picture - it has everything with it, manual, thermostat, stovepipe and wall vent.  It's blue enamel with a soapstone top - very pretty, especially when it's burning.  Nice to watch the flames through the big front door.  It's in perfect condition - let us know if you're interested.  We'd like to have someone put it to good use. 

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Spring Weather/Good News

 Thank goodness we have a rainy day today! Yesterday was so nice I was outside probably more than my winter-weary body needed, so today I...