Friday, April 27, 2012

 We're definitely feeling the cold around here today.  It's been snowing off and on all day, and is actually sticking in some places.  Right now my thermometer is reading 31 degrees, and it's going to get a lot colder tonight.  Tomorrow won't be warm, either.  This is a cruel joke on us after another stretch of pretty nice weather last week.  

So far we've had no flooding this spring.  Fred took this picture of the dam in West Danville yesterday, and as you can see, the water level is good.  Usually this time of year it would be rushing over the top of the dam.  So that's the good news about our spring weather.  We shouldn't complain - we've had some nice stretches in between the messy stuff - but most of us have been thoroughly spoiled and are ready for warm weather to get here and stay.

This second picture is the overlook at the dam.  This was made when they replaced the penstock. 

This project seems to have turned out pretty well, but the other day we heard on WCAX that the Route 2 Project in Danville will take another three years to complete.  I hope they were counting the year we're in so it will be over in the fall of 2014.  Even that seems excessive.

A few more people have arrived back to Joe's Pond, and I feel almost apologetic that they are having to endure cold, miserable weather, but I have no control over it, which is probably a good thing because if it were up to me, the temperature would never get above 75 degrees.  Fred is anxiously observing our new boiler to see if the operation changes as the temperature falls.  It's supposed to "read" the outdoor temperature and give us heat accordingly.  At least one of us is happy we're having cold weather again.

Tom and Ellie, Fred's brother and his wife, are coming tomorrow.  They were in Colorado again this winter, and just got back a little before Easter.  We're looking forward to seeing them.  I went out and picked a big bouquet of daffodils - not just because they are coming to visit, but because I expect they will be frozen stiff by morning, so I thought I'd better bring some in to enjoy.  There are a few lilac buds just starting - I haven't dared look at the apple trees, but the two or three nights of below freezing weather that are coming up could severely impact the fruit crop.   After a poor maple syrup year, farmers really don't need a bad apple season, too.  Life can be tough, for sure.

Maple Festivals in St. Johnsbury and also St. Albans this weekend - it will be cool, but hopefully lots of people will still get out for them.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...