Saturday, June 18, 2011

Here's something the owner probably thought he'd never see again. Evelyn Caufield (off of Rt. 15 at the north end of the pond) found the following:

While in the process of putting in our dock today, a wintertime article appeared that someone may be looking for. It appears to be the bottom of an ice house, that is a yellow and blue platform with steel runners (like a sled) about 5'x7' long
.Interested parties can reach us by e-mail or 684-3621..

We know it was really hard to get stuff off the ice this year - we'd had rain and then temperatures dipped at just the wrong tome so some of the fishing shantys had to be removed in pieces, and there was considerable debris frozen in that they simply couldn't remove. I hope someone will see this and let whoever had to leave part of his shanty on the ice this spring know it's waiting for him at the Caufield's.

Thank you, Evelyn, for letting us know.

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Update & Request

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