Friday, April 29, 2011

We posted a short video of the water going over the dam yesterday. You'll find it just below this post. It was really quite a sight - and sound. Literally tons of water tumbling over the dam and down the brook. It's hard to believe as you stand there watching it that after a few hours the pond wouldn't be empty. However, there is a lot of water coming into the pond from various small brooks. The ground right now is super saturated with water and it gushes off the hillsides - in one spot along the ditch on the upper side of West Shore Road this morning we saw an actual water spout. The picture doesn't do it justice, but it was just like a water fountain shooting up and over out of the ground.

Yesterday I posted a photo Evelyn had taken of the shed on Pearl Island. Today we got this picture of the other end of the island. The water, though still very high at about 17.5 in. above normal, is beginning to go down, but we have yet to learn how much damage has been caused by either high water or ice.

There was no reason for me to wake up at 3 a.m. this morning, but I d
id, and then I couldn't get back to sleep. Turned out Fred was awake, too, so when at a little after 4 o'clock I decided to get up and watch the wedding on TV, he got up, too. He wasn't interested in the wedding, but went directly to his computer. I made myself some coffee, got our breakfast oatmeal started and settled down to watch all the English women with their beautiful, silly and gravity-defying hats. As the sun came up, I got this picture - that is a crescent moon high in the sky.

Nothing could match the rainbow we had here last evening. Bill, Monika and Jo-Ann were here for dinner, already seated at the table, and I was on the phone with a reporter when I first noticed it. There were reflections, I counted two, further down the lake that were not as defined, but the main rainbow was the brightest and largest I've ever seen, I think.

Later in the evening Diane Rossi sent
these pictures with a note:

Couldn't resist taking these....The loons, the water, and the rainbow all welcoming us home! The ice-out flag floated over here, and then started floating back toward Homer's, but was still up when it got

Diane and Bill had just arrived home from a trip and it was as if they brought spring with them. Diane got pictures of both ends of the rainbow. We still aren't sure where the pallet went down, but this morning when we checked the water level at Walter Ruf's the markers were nowhere in sight. The ice is gone except there was a little showing in the Cove near Island Drive and perhaps in the cattails by Billy Hamilton's at the north end of the pond. Today would have probably finished off any that was left.

It got pretty cold last night for a change. There seemed to be a little frost on the grass as daylight broke, but by the time we walked, around 8 a.m., it was pretty nice. Now we have clouds again and the forecast is for . . . showers!

We measured the water at 17.5 in. above normal level this morning. That's a little above what it was when we measured on Wednesday, but it had come up more so was higher yesterday - but we didn't have any spare time to measure it then. Ice-Out kept us both pretty busy answering phones and sending e-mails. We could see this morning on the Allen's lawn where the water had been higher and left some debris.

I know I told you not to come back to the pond too soon because of the roads. Since Cabot honed W. Shore Road, it has been much better although there are some "greasy" spots where the frost is still not out; but except for the Danville end, which is pretty messy but passable, we're in good shape. I heard the Walden road crew discussing some of their roads today as being "nearly impassable." They were working on getting them in shape, though. It's been a tough spring for a lot of reasons.

The JPA newsletter will be out soon. It's being proofed for errors and will then goes to the printer, so by the end of next week I should be mailing it to members.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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