Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We're coming out from under a pretty rainy day. We haven't had a lot of rain - most of it has been in southern Vermont and New England, but we've had enough to cause streams to go over their banks in places. I had this message from JPA President, Tom Dente this morning:

Seven to ten inches of rain in our area of Connecticut reported by the weather folks. Lots of flooding and condemned buildings due to severe water damage. But warm the end of the week for Easter. Have a Happy Easter and see you soon.

This came from Steve and Bev Allen this morning:

We'll be on the Cape a few more days - Bev's Dad is having a great recovery so we're actually enjoying our stay down here in civilization! Luckily the Cape missed out on the floods that are devastating the rest of SE New England - we only had 2" of rain - 60 miles away in Providence 10" fell! We're keeping an eye on the JPA site and the blog for ice-out info - bet you got a flurry of early date guesses! Hi to everybody slogging through the mud!
Steve is right, lots of folks are watching closely to see what the weather is going to do to the ice. I talked to Don Walker a few minutes ago. Don is one of the founders of our Ice-Out contest, so he's seen a whole lot of strange springs and crazy weather affecting the contest. He told me he's looking for it to go out early, in fact he thought around the second weekend in April, which will put it about a week sooner than the earliest date it's ever gone out, the 16th of April. We agreed that if we get 70 degree weather (Don says it's likely to be more like 60 here at Joe's Pond!) that ice is just going to disappear like magic. There's already been a lot of wear and tear on it - warm weather, warm water rushing in from the hills, and sun beating down on it will take a toll. However, like we always, say, it's still anybody's guess!

Harvey's Lake went out Friday. Their contest, like ours, was supposed to close on April 1st, but Mother Nature fooled them this year. We don't know who the winner was yet - it'll take a while for their tickets to be logged in, even though they don't sell as many as we do.

Fred got in touch with the meteorologists at Fairbanks Museum yesterday with questions about our unusual weather. He got a very detailed and thorough reply from Chris Bouchard. You'll find it posted with other Ice-Out information in our "Ice Watch" section, or click here:
Chris Bouchard, Meteorologist Report

A lot is happening at our house right now. Fortunately, I'm over my cold and feeling fine again, so no excuses. It's a good thing, because there is always a flurry of activity on the last day or two of the Ice-Out Contest - phone calls, sometimes interviews, emergency runs to supply outlets with tickets. Add to that getting the newsletter ready to publish as soon as we have a contest winner (reports and ads to coral), but then it's Easter - when traditionally we gather as a family for Sunday dinner. This year is special because our new granddaughter, Jo-Ann Ann, will be celebrating her birthday on Sunday! She will be 11, and we're looking forward to a lovely day with family and friends. I will be making the birthday cake - vanilla, with pink frosting. That'll be a switch! Birthday cakes for the three boys were usually chocolate on chocolate and in trimmed with a replica of Batman, a guitar, drums, a Chevvy or a Harley. Don't bother with candles, just make it BIG.

Our deer were back last night, and we'll be watching for them again tonight. The come out when it's too dark to get a good picture, unfortunately, and we don't like to frighten them off, so mostly we just watch from our windows.

Fred has gone to check the rope to the Ice- Out contraption and take some pictures, so I'll report later on ice and water conditions. I didn't get down to check the water level today, but tomorrow will be nicer, so I'll be sure to do it then.

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Spring Weather/Good News

 Thank goodness we have a rainy day today! Yesterday was so nice I was outside probably more than my winter-weary body needed, so today I...