Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just to keep you updated on the weather - we're suddenly in a blizzard. We've been getting increasing snowfall since about noon, and now there's lots of wind, the thermometer is beginning to drop, and snow is coming at us horizontally from all directions! A real squall. I took a couple of quick pictures from inside (I'm not going out in THAT!!) and could barely see a car that was going by. If you click on the first picture and look closely, you'll see a faint yellow spot just beyond the littlest spruce tree on our lawn. The other pictures is from our kitchen window looking across our driveway which is only 30 feet or so to the trees. The road crews I'm hearing on the scanner are reporting "it's really coming down and blowing about 100." They're expecting trucks to get stuck on some of the hills out there, so it may be a difficult commute home for lots of people tonight. Right now the squalls seems to have passed, but it's still snowing very hard and visibility is very poor.

We're tucked in for the night, hopefully. Well, I am. As I was writing this, Fred took off to take a run up Jamie's drive with the snow blower.
Marie has 4-wheel drive on her Jeep, and she has already gone up, but we haven't seen Jamie yet. There is a tractor trailer hung up in Danville, jackknifed by the oak tree, so that will slow things down for a lot of people on Rt. 2, and he likely is one of them. No damage or injuries, the truck just can't move and apparently slid into a jackknife.

By the way, we've been monitoring the comments on the web site poll of JPA members and really appreciate the way responses and ideas are coming in. Thanks to those of you who have already weighed in, and we hope to hear from lots more.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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