Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We have a serious consideration here in Cabot that all of us should be aware of. Some of you are tax payers but don't have a vote in Cabot because you do not claim it as your residence; however, how this situation plays out at town meeting in March will be reflected in your future tax bill(s). I am posting the three-page mailing received in our mail boxes about a week ago. Whether you have a vote or not, if you own property in Cabot this is important to you and you should feel free to weigh in on the issues. I'm sure the School Board is working hard to find a solution that voters can accept, and any input you have will be considered.

I have only board member Roman Kokodyniak's e-mail address, and will gladly forward to him any suggestions you may have, or you can mail them to: Cabot School Board, PO Box 98, Cabot VT 05647.

Click on the image of each page to read.


I also want to bring your attention to the comments page, if you haven't looked at it for a while. We had a request for a camp rental this morning, so if you are interested in getting a little relief from high taxes (whether you live on the Danville side or the Cabot side of the lake, you're taxes are going to
increase this year), you may want to consider renting your cottage for a few weeks next summer.

Our weather has turned really nasty overnight. The temperature dropped and is now in the zero range, expected to drop more during today. The wind is howling and we got about four inches of new snow, most of it blowing in the general direction of West Danville.

We have both been outside this morning - I briefly, to take my precipitation measurements, and Fred for a prolonged period to clear the driveways of drifts. He will have to be out there again later in the day, but right now it's hardly worth getting bundled up for because the wind is going to drift the snow right back across the roads. When things quiet down later today, he'll go out again. I won't have to go outside again until tomorrow to read the gauges again . . .

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News & Chatter

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