Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I've had a couple of comments regarding our niece in India. First, from Henretta Splain, W. Shore Rd. and JPA member:


Thank you so much for sharing that letter with us. As we are going through the throes of this recession (or call it what you will), there are so many people in the world without the basic necessities. Maybe we can do without some things and still live a quality life - and maybe even help by treading more lightly....

She sounds like a very special young woman. Henretta

PS My old church down on LI had a contingent that went to Hondurus every year to help out with vaccinations, etc. I believe it was associated with the organization Pro Papa. I often think IF and when I retire I would like to do something like that.

This from another JPA member, Tom Morgan, also on W. Shore Rd.:


I read the email from Jennie in India with great interest. I have been there myself three times in the past four years. I have been there on business and I must say a major root cause of their poverty is the government. It is extremely bureaucratic and stifling. The progress being made is in spite of it. We must remember that wealth is not something that exists on its own and is distributed by government. It is created through hard work and imagination and belongs to its creators. What the Indians lack is sufficient opportunity due to governmental interference.

-Tom Morgan

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