Friday, March 27, 2009

Today started off to be pretty dull, weatherwise, but it certainly ended on a high note. It was warm - water was running in the ditches, so we know the snow is melting. We've actually lost quite a lot, and bare patches are beginning to show even on our northeast sloping hillside. I took this picture of the upper end of the pond this morning. You can see the water on top of the ice. It rained a little last night, and the temperature stayed above freezing.

I spotted some Canada geese resting on the ice near the open water of the narrows between the big pond and middle pond this afternoon. I first saw them as I drove past Point Comfort, and I'd say there were eight or more, but they were too far away to get a good picture. I stopped further along Rt.2 and got a shot of them through the trees.

I stopped at the fishing access to see how the ice looked where the flag will be when Ray Richer gets it out. There has been no
activity on the ice for a while now, so I'm sure it's safe for him to put it out. Today would have been a great day to get it done, but I'm sure Ray is busy with other things. I guess I was hoping I'd catch him there and get a couple pictures . . . I took a picture anyway. You can see that even with some rain and warm weather today, the ice is still solid. It will go fast if this weather keeps up, though.

Ice-Out tickets are coming in fast now. I had a call from St. Jay Hardware that they were running low, so I had Jamie stop by with more tickets for them today. This weekend will be a big one for ticket sales, I think. Only four days left, so if you don't have your tickets, better print them from the web site and get 'em in the mail.

Don't forget the Maple Festival in Cabot tomorrow. Sounds like it'll be a good day to spend some time there, browse the crafts, maple displays, have some sugar-on-snow, and maybe even drop in at the Hardware store and say "Hi" to Trapper, the singing dog, and Walt. You can visit the library and the Cabot Creamery Visitors' Center, too. Make a day of it.

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Milfoil Report

Eurasian Watermilfoil information from Barry Cahoon,  JPA Response Coordinator,  9/18/2024           I suspect most, if not all Joe’s Pond ...