Saturday, February 14, 2009


Our brief respite of spring-like weather is temporarily over and we're back to normal, seasonal temperatures at least in the overnight hours. This morning, though, I awoke to brilliant sunshine and even though I could feel the cold air coming through the slight opening of our bedroom window, there was something about the sunshine that was different. There was a look of "spring" about it. I'm sure well have more cold weather, but I'm pretty sure it won't be the deep cold we've been experiencing, and it's certain we'll have more snow storms, but that look and feel of spring is going to get stronger in the days ahead. We've turned a corner! I can feel it.

I'm working at Fred's computer this morning. On Thursday Fred took my CPU to Tom Warren at Yankee Electronic Solutions (YES) in St. Johnsbury, so he could remove everything to my new computer he has built for me. This was all a result of not being able to get the new printers to work well. Apparently the new computers take lots more RAM and that left my old system without enough to run other programs, especially my scanner. After much discussion and agonizing, I agreed to the new setup. I saved my most precious files to CDs and have been keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out ok. The one thing I couldn't figure out how to preserve was my address book - but I guess Tom knows how to transfer that, too.

Tom called yesterday to let us know the new system will probably be ready sometime today, if everything goes well. I will be delighted to have my computer back - I was like a fish out of water on Friday and resorted to cleaning my office, then the kitchen, and had my eye on Fred's new space, but decided I'd better let him do his own organizing. When I realized I'd probably be without the computer all weekend, I got in touch with all three sons and their mates to invite them for brunch on Sunday. That will keep me busy planning and cooking so I won't have time to think about the computer. If we get it back today, that's fine - if not, I'm good.

I don't like being held hostage by a machine, but I really enjoy the work I'm doing for the historical society and since publishing "The Blodgett Papers," I've had a lot of contacts from members of that family who want books. Also, as I was sorting through new boxes of papers that had been temporarily lost in the process of changing administration of the historical society, I came upon some drawings done by Herndon Foster, of Cabot. Herndon died a few years ago, and although I knew him, I didn't know he was an artist. The drawings are of buildings in Cabot, some now gone, rendered in chalk. They are primitive - I doubt Herndon had ever had any formal art training, but I found them very nice and well worth preserving. I'm hoping I can successfully scan them and make them available for the public to enjoy. They are delicate and cannot be handled without losing some of the coloring - definitely they'll be a challenge to copy and preserve, and I'm anxious to get started. When I find some treasure like this, it makes all the hours going through musty old papers worthwhile.

I've had several very nice Valentine wishes via the computer, and thank those of you who sent them. Aren't we glad Miss Esther Howland had the inspiration to develop Valentine cards back in the 1800's! The observance of St. Valentine's Day goes back much further than that, but Miss Howland put a whole different touch to it when she made it commercial.

I hope you all enjoy the day. Have some dark chocolate for good health!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...