Thursday, August 28, 2008

I've spent most of this beautiful day inside working on the Blodgett book. But I scooted outside a couple times just because it was so nice. Fred is recovering from a "summer cold" - not that it's much different from a "winter cold" except it's rarer, I guess. He hasn't felt sick, but the sneezing, coughing and sniffles are unpleasant. So far I'm still healthy, and I think I may have successfully dodged it.
Note: The above was written on Thursday, August 28. I was called away and didn't finish that day.

Friday, August 29.
Not only have I been mostly inside today, too, I've been frustrated by the computer almost constantly. I'm working in Publisher, and have a bunch of pages (164 right now) made up of pictures and text that I'm editing ready to publish. The computer saves my work about every 10 minutes, and it takes two or three minutes f
or it to gurgle through everything. Two or three minutes doesn't sound like much, but when everything is frozen and nothing works, it seems like an eternity. Sometimes I find something else to do - file something or make a phone call - but mostly I wait and stew. I could probably stop the automatic save and do it manually from time to time, but with that many pages at stake and having had a few bad experiences with lost material because I waited too long to save my work, I will endure the pain and let the computer do its work.

Part of the process of redesigning the web site is that we're going through everything that's there and sort of "house cleaning." It has been a learn-as-we-go experience until now and there are duplications and stuff that's now obsolete or inaccurate that must be taken off. Big job, and it demands patience as well as know-how; fortunately Fred has both and doesn't mind spending long
hours in front of a screen filled with mysterious combinations of numbers, letters and squiggles. Some day soon we'll have a coming-out party for the new look.

The minutes of this month's Cabot Select Board Meeting and other information can be accessed at:

This is a picture of a barn that was taken down a few years ago on Ducharme Road in Cabot. It was a very large structure, as you can see, and housed poultry. We will be adding this and some others like it to our collection at the historical society. A member of the Ducharme family has donated the photos and will be sending more information about the barn and the family.

We're off to recycle tomorrow. I'm going along in order to do some errands in Hardwick. We may take a little side trip to Greensboro to visit Willey's Store - always an interesting stop to make and we haven't been there in a while. Willey's is well known as one of a dying breed of country "everything you need in one place" stores. They have groceries, hardware, clothing, appliances, tools, hunting and fishing gear, pet food and supplies, gardening supplies - it's an if-they-don't-have-it-you-probably-don't-need-it kind of store. We'll take pictures!

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't...